Your images can be viewed by anyone interested without having to “be there”, or you having to carry your art work all over the country.

By being on the web, a viewer will perceive you as a serious artist. Your art and your page represent you.

Having your web site on business cards, reaches an even wider population. If you promote yourself through the use of business cards, individuals can discover your work without having heard of you previously.

It’s less than the cost of a latté a month, less than a bus ride, less than a movie from BlockBuster, less than a greeting card from Hallmark. (Actually, if you are reading this, you shouldn’t like this last one, because you buy original cards by artists for your occasions.)

As an artist, whether you use the internet or not, agree with it or not, love it or not, you must market yourself in the best possible manner. The internet is the way of the future. If you have children, you know this to be a true statement. If you do not, ask a youth about the importance a computer has in his/her life. It is irreplaceable. It connects them far beyond their own neighborhood and friends. It connects them to the world and it will connect your art to this ever shrinking global environment.

To put it bluntly, a web site is an extremely effective and economical tool for promoting your art.

Your art is in all places at the same time. It is... ubiquitous.

Susan Lapp, Curator