Formerly : Life-Scale Macro Photography

"M.G. Peters Life-Scaled Macro Images" is a product of research by the author from 1993-'94
As the camera utilizes fixed parameters, without + or - tolerances, each photo is scaled and may be calibration factored to "Life-Size".
Flash diffusion techniques permit full-texture detail.
The "Macro-Wildlife" has been collected on a week-by-week basis from early Spring through late fall since 1995.
The author's collection depicts multiple life-size poses of over 700 subjects of Wellington County, Georgian Bay, Home and Flower Shows.

Location of Artist's showings
Lakeside Antiques, Oakville

Golden Trident Orchid
The artist's colleciton of 'Home' and 'Show Flowers' is an ongoing category of cultivated and hybridized exhibition class flora.
3" x 5"

Purple Iris
The artist's collection of 'Wildflowers' cover Southern Ontario throughout a span of more than five years and is but one of many 'wildlife' categories.
3.5" x 4"

Honey Mushrooms
'Mushrooms' constitiute another sizeable category of the artist's collection. Do not collect any mushroom for consumption without consulting expert guidelines
3.375" x 4.875"

General Wildlife
Gray Treefrog
The artist/author has compiled a dated, chronographed 'Seasonal Guide' depicting 'Life-size' Macro Wildlife of Southern Ontario' -soon to be published.
3.5" x 4.5"

Morel Mushroom
Morchellaceae, Pezizales
A prized edible marketed mushroom, the Morels are distinct, yet hold similiarities with more unpleasant relatives. They may grow much larger than this.

"Cats" Eyes Caterpillar
This highly camouflaged creature has built-in false eyes to frighten predators,and a useful 'pawlike' tailored. Contemplate the Omega arch.

Great Basin Wood Nymph
Cercyonis sthenele
The Purple Loosestrife may well be considered a scrourge of the wetlands, but attracts a wide range of spectacular butterflies.

Green Frog
Rana clamitans melanota
One of many phases. This frog has and will continue to undergo a lifetime of coloration changes. This being the most outstanding.

Mike G. Peters
444 Scottsdale Drive
Guelph, Ontario
(519) 823-1856


All artwork copyright © by the Artist